Village Black Pages® (VBP) is the critical resource Americans can rely on to locate Black-owned businesses to support when responding to our charge to Make Every Friday, Black Friday®! All Black-owned businesses are listed for FREE in the Village Black Pages®!

Our goal is to elevate the overall prosperity of the Black community by building wealth and creating jobs.


Phase One Agenda: 25-State* Targeted Strategy

90+% of Black Americans (~43M+) live, work

and own businesses in only 25 States*

ETV’s Phase One Agenda executes on a 25-State* Strategic Action Plan to achieve racial equity and social justice for Black America in partnership with The Village - individuals, corporations, community, government and nonprofit entities.

Click on your state to view its Village Black Pages!

ETV's Village Black Pages® (VBP) is a critical resource Americans can rely on to locate Black-owned businesses to support when responding to our charge to Make Every Friday, Black Friday®! Our goal is to elevate the overall prosperity of the Black community by promoting commerce, increasing revenue and wealth, and creating jobs.

ETV is already promoting ~30,000 businesses across 25 different states for free and the Village Black Pages has garnered 1000s of searches in less than 6 months since its launch in 2020!

Select a cover to explore the Village Black Pages!